The Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child Fund receives and accepts donations throughout the year to buy new winter clothing and footwear for children.
In 2023, the Lorain Growth Main Street Lorain Development Corporation donated $1,200 to the Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-A-Child Fund.
Also, the Community Foundation of Lorain County’s Connect to a Cause collected $2,525 during its annual online appeal to the community Sept. 21 for the program.
The donors included: $500 from Bob and Kristen Masa; $250 from Bob and Lori Campana; $160 from Daryl and Karen Edwards; $100 from Tomasina Elavsky; $75 from Jinnyn Tata and Rich Benoit; $100 from Steve Lucas; $300 from Ben Norton; $20 from Robert and Judy Skillicorn; $200 from Steve and Gail Smith; $50 from Ivana Rose; $300 from Joanne Eldridge Tucker; $25 from Eileen Torres; $10 from Keith Brown; $25 from Rachel Ocasio; $50 from Becky and Tom Whittington; and $25 from Dr. Garalynn V. Thomas.
There also were donors who did not want to be named.
The Mary Lee Tucker Fund thanks all of the generous donors for their contributions.