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Spring forward into daylight saving time this Sunday

(Photo by CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images)
(Photo by CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images)

Get ready to spring forward on March 12, at least one more time.

Most of the U.S. will move the clocks forward by one hour on Sunday at 2 a.m. for daylight saving time, which will end on Nov. 5 of this year.

The question is: Will this be the final time most Americans feel aggrieved over losing an hour of sleep?

Daylight saving time is the result of a federal law applying to most of the United States; Hawaii, most of Arizona and U.S. territories in the Pacific and Caribbean do not follow daylight saving time. In March 2022, the Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act, which would make daylight saving time permanent, removing the need to change clocks twice per year. The bill stalled in the House of Representatives but remains alive.

With permanent daylight saving time, there is more sun in the evening hours. The trade-off is less daylight in the mornings, especially in the winter months.

Currently, 19 states have passed legislation to avoid the changing of clocks, but such laws cannot go into effect until the federal law is changed.

Regardless, most Americans will want to move their clocks ahead before going to bed on Saturday night, though it will take longer for human bodies to adjust. Daylight saving time is also a convenient opportunity to refresh the batteries in smoke alarms.


Common suggestions to avoid feeling extra groggy on Monday morning include avoiding caffeinated or alcoholic beverages in the evening, taking naps, exposing yourself to morning sunlight on Sunday and maintaining a consistent evening mealtime. Now is as good a time as any to institute personal limitations on screentime from devices like phones and tablets around bedtime.