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Glance at the winners from Lorain County Nov. 7 general election

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(Metro Creative Connection)

There were a few surprises from the Nov. 7 general election in Lorain County, according to unofficial results from the Lorain County Board of Elections.

Amherst mayor: Mark L. Costilow was reelected as mayor; Anthony R. Pecora as law director. Both were unopposed.

Amherst: Brenda L. Phillips defeated David Janik as auditor, 2,548 to 2,528.

Amherst City Council: First Ward Brian Dembinski (D), 754 votes; Second Ward Becky Harmych (D) 663; Third Ward Jake Wachholz (D) 746; and Fourth Ward Matthew W. Nahorn (R) 749.

Avon Lake Municipal Court Judge: Allison L. Manning, 11,431.

Avon City Council-a-large: Mary Berges, 3,299; Brian Fischer 4,884; and Michelle L. Patton 4,159.

Avon Lake City mayor: Mark A. Spaetzel, 8,035

Avon Lake City Council First Ward: Rob Shahmir, 1,281; Second Ward Jennifer G. Fenderbosch, 1,907; Third Ward, Deanna M. Leitner, 761; Fourth Ward David L. Kos, 2,049.

Avon Lake Board of Municipal Utilities: John G. Dzwonczyk, 4,985; David J. Rickey, 5,094; and Dana Schnabel, 5,766.

Elyria City mayor: Kevin A. Brubaker (D), 6,514

Elyria City finance director: Ted M. Pileski (D), 10,065

Elyria City Law director: Amanda R. Deery (D), 9,196

Elyria City Council-at-large: Thomas G. Callahan, 6,564; Chad Schneider (D), 6,351; Victor F. Stewart III (D), 6,487; and Phil Tollett (D), 6,668.

Elyria City Council First Ward: Andrew C.G. Lipian, 1,186; Second Ward Brenda K. Davis, 955; Third Ward Mary F. Siwierka (D), 1,655; Fourth Ward Kenny Oswald (D), 1,708; Fifth Ward Brad Armstrong 566; Sixth Ward Donna Mitchell (D), 1,095; and Seventh Ward Jack W. Cerra (D), 1,385.

Lorain City mayor: Jack W. Bradley (D), 10,801

Lorain City President of Council: Joel P. Arredondo (D), 9,264

Lorain City auditor: Karen A. Shawver, 9,006

Lorain City Law director: Patrick D. Riley (D), 9,136

Lorain City Council-at-large: Tony Dimacchia (D), 7,315; Sylvia DuVall (D), 6,084; and Joseph F. Koziura (D), 5,935.

Lorain City Council: First Ward Beth Henley (D), 872; Second Ward Victoria Kempton (D), 756; Third Ward Pamela M. Carter (D), 1,088; Fourth Ward Dan Nutt (D), 1,296; Fifth Ward JoAnne Moon (D), 629; Sixth Ward Antonio L. Baez (D), 1,034; Seventh Ward Mary E. Spellacy (D), 1,418; and Eighth Ward Joshua Thornsberry (D), 1,854.

North Ridgeville City mayor: Kevin Corcoran (R), 7,905.

North Ridgeville City Council First Ward: Holly A. Swenk (R), 2,115; Second Ward Eric Todd Shaffer (R), 1,634; Third Ward Bruce F. Abens (R), 2,821; and Fourth Ward Clifford B. Winkel (R), 1,763.

Elyria Municipal Clerk of Court: Eric J. Rothgery, 20,936.

Oberlin City Council-at-large: Eboni A. Johnson, 1,972; Ray English, 1,604; Jessa D. New, 1,534; Libni Lopez, 1,470; Kristin L. Peterson, 1,421; Michael McFarlin, 1,378; and Joe Waltzer, 1,350.

Sheffield Lake City mayor: Rocky Radeff, 1,888.

Sheffield Lake President of Council: Richard Rosso, 2,021

Sheffield Lake City Council-at-large: Mark Cizl, 1,212; Rosa Gee, 1,493; and Steve Kovach, 1,341.

Vermilion City President of Council: Steve Herron, 1,483.

Vermilion City Council-at-large: Gary B. Howell Jr., 965.

Vermilion City Council First Ward: Patricia L. West, 278.

Vermilion City Council Third Ward: Teresa Mayle, 59; Fourth Ward Barb Brady, 305; and Fifth Ward Brian Holmes, 482.

Grafton Village mayor: Charles L. Duke Jr., 552.

Grafton Village clerk: Stephanie L. Barnhart, 712.

Grafton Village Council: Third Ward Pat McCort, 163; Fourth Ward Lynette M. Kitts, 229.

Kipton Village mayor: Robert Meilander, 59.

Kipton Village Council: Patricia A. Eschen, 75.

LaGrange Village mayor: Gary R. Kincannon, 641.

LaGrange Village Council: Curtis Karpinski, 371; and Rhonda Smith, 459.

LaGrange Village Council (unexpired term): Richard D. Honer, 534.

Rochester Village Council: Susan Sparks, 55.

Sheffield Village mayor: Robert C. Markovich, 1,335.

Sheffield Village Council: Mitchell R. Carr, 875; and Kevin S. Watkinson, 906.

South Amherst Village mayor: Scott Jones, 373.

South Amherst Village Council: Michele Jeffers, 361; and David T. Troike, 265.

Wellington Village mayor: Hans M. Schneider, 1,146.

Wellington Village Council: Mark E. Bughman, 742; Helen Dronsfield, 686; and Guy Wells, 775.

Amherst Township trustee: David C. Urig, 1,161.

Amherst Township fiscal officer: Christine M. Kish, 1,621.

Brighton Township trustee: Kenneth Ziegler, 252.

Brownhelm Township trustee: Dan DePalma, 2,095.

Brownhelm Township fiscal officer: Debra Mastellone, 1,857.

Camden Township trustee: James D. Woodrum, 498.

Camden Township fiscal officer: John Ciarrone, 391.

Carlisle Township trustee: Jared W. Smith, 1,970.

Carlisle Township fiscal officer: Kelsey A. Sizemore, 1,168.

Columbia Township trustee: Mark C. Cunningham, 1,884.

Columbia Township fiscal officer: Mandie M. Andrews, 1,897.

Eaton Township trustee: Dee Schippel, 793.

Eaton Township fiscal officer: Briana Davis, 1,351.

Elyria Township trustee: Richard L. Hutman, 906.

Elyria Township fiscal officer: Stephanie DeWitt, 821.

Grafton Township trustee: Daniel M. Martone, 335.

Grafton Township fiscal officer: Amy Richards, 795.

Henrietta Township trustee: Howard A. Born III, 625.

Henrietta Township fiscal officer: Joseph Daniel Siekeres, 497.

Huntington Township trustee: Robert D. Holmes, 342.

Huntington Township fiscal officer: Sheila D. Lanning, 393.

LaGrange Township trustee: Roger Kuhl Jr., 1,477.

LaGrange Township fiscal officer: Kathy Poling, 973.

New Russia Township trustee: Michelle L. Tyner, 382.

New Russia Township fiscal officer: Lisa Akers, 572

Penfield Township trustee: Eric A. Flynn Jr., 509

Penfield Township fiscal officer: Rachael Duling, 468.

Pittsfield Township trustee: Walter E. Bredel, 330.

Pittsfield Township fiscal officer: Mandy Cecil, 418.

Rochester Township trustee: Kathryn Frombaugh, 242.

Rochester Township fiscal officer: Laura A. Brady, 232.

Sheffield Township trustee: DeWayne Neal, 398.

Sheffield Township fiscal officer: Laura Maltarich, 550.

Wellington Township trustee: William A. Spreng, 1,365.

Wellington Township fiscal officer: Virginia Haynes, 1,345.

Lorain County Educational Service Center: Judy A. Maldonado, 14,445; and Deborah R. Melda, 11,114.

North Point Educational Service Center, Erie District: Marianne Cheetham, 756; Daryl L. Deering, 647; Mark Miller, 812; (unexpired term) Philip D. Thiede, 1,030.

North Point Educational Service Center, Huron District: Warren W. Ruggles, 127.

TRI-County Educational Service Center District 3: R. Willard Welch, 345.

Amherst Exempted Village School District: Rex Engle, 3,515; and Marc Zappa, 3,803.

Avon Local School District: Dennis D. Kramer, 4,568; and Christine M. Libeg, 4,540.

Avon Lake City School District: Kendra Gardiner, 5,544; Gail Soinski Opaskar, 4,756; and James A. Stobe, 5,314.

Black River Local School District: Robin Blake, 259; Michele Powers-Neeld, 214; and Charles O. Stiver, 251.

Clearview Local School District: Michael A. Post, 896.

Columbia Local School District: Stephen L. Coleman, 1,387; Shawn Ondrejko, 1,281.

Elyria City School District: Michael Gebhardt, 6,262; Brent Parker, 5,707; and Elaine M. Seguin, 6,197.

Firelands Local School District: Myles R. Bremke, 1,601; and Tom Myers, 1,680.

Keystone Local School District: Kimberly Sturgill, 2,266; and Patricia Wakefield, 1,165.

Lorain City School District: Mark Ballard, 5,289; and Courtney Nazario, 4,548.

Mapleton Local School District: Kathy Goon, 9; Vince Hartzler, 9; and Jay Maggard, 10.

Midview Local School District: Daniel Haight, 4,337; and James Andrew Onderko, 3,337.

New London Local School District: Abigail Fawcett, 127; and Tiffany C. Green, 96.

North Ridgeville City School District: John Gassman Jr., 5,278; and Frank Vacha Jr., 6,008.

Oberlin City School District: Kendall Stanley, 2,410.

Olmsted Falls City School District: Justin H. Funk, 98; and Bob Perez, 56.

Sheffield/Sheffield Lake City School District: Pat Czech, 2,419; Amy L. DeLuca, 2,564; and Sandra A. Jensen, 2,291.

Strongsville City School District: Michelle L. Bissell, 28; Richard Micko, 25; and Laura S. Wolfe-Housum, 26.

Vermilion Local School District: Mark Benson, 626; Shelly Innes, 865; and Krystal Russell, 841.


State Issue #1/Constitutional Amendment/Reproductive Rights

Yes: 68,071

No: 40,975

State Issue #2/Proposed Law/Recreational Cannabis Use

Yes: 64,908

No: 44,341

3 Carlisle Township #5/Sunday Sales/Carlisle Golf Club

Yes: 604

No: 155

4 Elyria Township #1/Sunday Sales/Lake Plaza Beverage

Yes: 412

No: 139

5 Grafton Township/Rep’l w/increase/Repair of Streets, Highways and Bridges

For: 549

Against: 658

6 Grafton Township #1/Sunday Sales/Chatty’s Tavern

Yes: 512

No: 141

7 LaGrange Township/ Rep’l/Fire and EMS

For: 1,574

Against: 772

8 Sheffield Township/Ren’l/Fire

For: 521

Against: 288

9 Sheffield Township/Ren’l/Current Expenses

For: 452

Against: 348

10 Amherst Exempted Village School District/Rep’l w/Increase/General Permanent Improvements

For: 5,371

Against: 4,439

11 Avon Lake City Schools/Bond/New Schools and Improvements

For: 5,809

Against: 6,250

12 Black River Local Schools/Ren’l/General Permanent Improvements

For: 327

Against: 244

13 Central Lorain County Joint Ambulance District/Ren’l w/Increase/Ambulance and EMS Services

For: 3,633

Against: 2,169

14 Erie County General Health District/Ren’l/Health Program

For: 1,298

Against: 879

15 Mapleton Local Schools/Add’l Income Tax/Current Expenses

For: 5

Against: 16

16 North Ridgeville Schools/Bond/Construction and Renovation of Schools

For: 7,995

Against: 7,767

17 Strongsville City Schools/Ren’l/Current Expenses

For: 36

Against: 20

18 Vermilion Local Schools/Ren’l/School Safety and Security


Against: 569

19 Wellington Exempted Village Schools/Ren’l/Emergency Requirements

For: 1,555

Against: 1,350

20 Lorain County/Appointive Executive Plan/7 Districts

For: 31,606

Against: 66,083

21 Lorain County/Add’l/911

For: 54,055

Against: 50,300

22 Lorain County/Add’l/Criminal Justice Services

For: 48,891

Against: 54,657

23 Lorain County Metro Parks/Rep’l/Continuing Operations

For: 71,588

Against: 34,952

24 Amherst City 3-A/Sunday Sales/5 Points Tavern

Yes: 524

No: 156

25 Avon City/Ren’l/Parks and Recreations

For: 7,279

Against: 2,403

26 Avon City 2-A/Sunday Sales/Mezquite Mexican Kitchen and Bar

Yes: 727

No: 104

27 Avon City 2-B/Sunday Sales/Dairy Mart

Yes: 396

No: 152

28 Avon Lake City/Charter Amendment/Mayoral Compensation

Yes: 7,442

No: 3,736

29 Elyria City 1-D/Sunday Sales/Dirty Donkey Tavern

Yes: 280

No: 130

30 Elyria City 3-A/Local Option/Aldi

Yes: 759

No: 188

31 Elyria City 3-A/Sunday Sales/Aldi

Yes: 727

No: 215

32 Elyria City 3-A/Local Option/Sheetz

Yes: 731

No: 221

33 Elyria City 3-A/Sunday Sales/Sheetz

Yes: 704

No: 246

34 Elyria City 6-B/Sunday Sales/Elyria Food Mart

Yes: 265

No: 175

35 Grafton Village 3/4/Sunday Sales/Nuevo Mexico

Yes: 492

No: 128

36 Kipton Village/Ren’l/Current Expenses

For: 72

Against: 2

37 Lorain City 2-E/Sunday Sales/Shipyard Brewing Company

Yes: 300

No: 73

38 Lorain City 2-E/Sunday Sales/Erie Steak and Seafood

Yes: 292

No: 78
Precincts Reporting 1 of 1

39 North Ridgeville City 4-E/Sunday Sales/Marathon

Yes: 316

No: 88

40 North Ridgeville 4-F/Sunday Sales/Between the Bun Bar & Grill

Yes: 478

No: 105

41 South Amherst Village/Ren’l/Fire Department

For: 412

Against: 213

42 Vermilion City/Charter Amendment/Add Section X-6

Yes: 929

No: 1,207