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Lorain County Sheriff’s Drug Task Force gets $112K grant

Design plans moving forward for the Lorain County Jail


The Lorain County Commission unanimously approved entering into a $112,054 grant agreement for the Sheriff’s Drug Task Force.

The grant will be used toward salaries with the county pitching in $37,351, according to county documents.

In other news regarding the Sheriff’s Office and jail, County Administrator Jeff Armbruster reported that he, Deputy Administrator Karen Perkins and the county’s consulting group Hills Corrections Consulting LLC had a meeting at the jail as officials prepare to design a plan to replace it.

“We had a good meeting; it was long, but very informative,” Armbruster said of the three-and-a-half hour meeting.

Armbruster said he expects the process to be lengthy to create a plan to get a new jail on the ballot sometime in the future.

“That’s so cool,” said Commission President Dave Moore following the meeting. “I like that everybody’s getting together and jumping on board. That’s awesome.”

Next, the group is scheduled to meet with the staff at the facility to bring all ideas to the table on Sept. 1, Armbruster said.

By consulting with the staff at the jail, the study can include problematic areas as seen by those working at the lockup, he said.

“We’re trying to make sure that the new jail doesn’t have the same problems this jail has,” said Commission Vice President Jeffrey Riddell.

On Aug. 23, Moore said he intends to place a funding request to build the new jail, either on the March or November election ballot in 2024 depending on how fast everyone gets going.

Also, Perkins reported to the board the new monitor screens to improve visibility for members of the audience of the material, such as documents and drone footage, shown during the board’s meetings are about to become a reality.

The new system is slated to be in place by the next ditch hearing, which large audiences attend.

The hearing is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Aug. 29, in regards to upcoming plans for the Cobb Ditch area, officials said.

The commission board is scheduled to meet again at 9:30 a.m., Aug. 25, in regular session.