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Avon Lake Matters podcast part of city’s communication efforts

Jen Miller hosts Avon Lake Matters podcast. (Submitted)
Jen Miller hosts Avon Lake Matters podcast. (Submitted)

In just over two years, Jen Miller has had no trouble finding subjects for the Avon Lake Matters podcast.

“Avon Lake and Lorain County in general have such a richness of people who are engaged, nonprofits who do so much,” Miller said. “We’ve never been at a loss for topics.”

As part of the city’s Communications and Technology Department, Miller records the podcast every other week.

Residents and fans further afield can find it on all the major podcast platforms as well as the city’s website.

In her nine years with the city, Miller said the Communications and Technology Department has morphed in many ways taking responsibility for the Government Access TV channel, the Community Access TV channel and the city website as well as a printed newsletter for residents.

“It felt like we were still missing something,” she said, explaining how the podcast was born.

Director Barb Cagley had some experience with podcasting, and Miller said she has learned a lot as part of the team that produces the show.

“I had no background in interviewing or journalism,” she said, describing the casual style of the show. “If it’s something you’re interested in and passionate about, it’s an easy conversation.”

The shows also include an opportunity for residents to ask questions of city officials.

Overall, the goal is to educate and inform residents.

Listener statistics show some episodes have been downloaded hundreds of times.

Miller noted listeners are as far away as Japan, presumably former residents of the community.

She’s even interviewed Santa Claus for the show.

Miller said she looks forward to creating new shows in 2024.

Topics she’d like to try include getting to know members of City Council as well as stories of local business people.

A YouTube channel is also planned.

“I love it; there are so many stories,” Miller said. “It’s my favorite part of my job.”

Avon Lake residents interested in creating their own podcast can access the city’s equipment at no charge, Miller added.

If you have a suggestion for the pocast, contact Miller at